First-year seminar service-learning project

About this time last year, I approached a friend, Craig This, who teaches a UVC 101 course (first-year seminar or FYS).  I told him I'd like to try a service-learning research project with a UVC 101 class.  He jumped at the opportunity and said "Sign me up!"  I had already approached a community partner, Project READ, about the potential partnership, and they had also (enthusiastically!) agreed to accept students' research and service. I wasn't sure what kind of project we could accomplish in just two short class sessions.  FYS instructors have so much other content to cover to get students to be successful  (time management, study skills, how to register for classes, how to calculate GPA, common text discussions, etc.).  Next, I approached the faculty liaison to the service-learning office, who often helps faculty create service-learning assignments and reflection activities, etc.  She immediately thought about a project she herself used in a course she teaches.  Click here to read the assignment:  project001. Craig and I took this assignment with us when we met with Project READ.  During our conversation, we tweaked the assignment a bit.  The conversation also led to the research topic.  When Project READ's director found out the class was comic book themed, she told us about a very successful comic book program they ran with reluctant readers (mostly teens) in a neighboring county.  We determined that Craig's students could find some resources about the connections between comic books and literacy, and they could also raise money to collect comic books for the agency.  The Project READ staff said they could use the students' research to convince their donors why comic books are important for literacy programming, and to write grants in the future. More about this project will be published in an article which is under review for E-Source for College Transitions. Craig & I plan to partner on a similar project for his class this fall, as well.

CategoriesLibrary/Librarian Roles, Pedagogy, SL Models